Wednesday, January 26, 2011

FPO will snatch victory from Jaws of Defeat and stop mass immigration

I think just like here the Right
-wing Republicans will win, then in Austria to, the right wing parties will win. Polls show people are against mass immigration everywhere and Austria is no exception to the rule. From Arizona to Vienna the anti-mass immigration right will see victory.

Trust poll shocks quarrelling government
The Austrian government has suffered heavily over the level of trust it enjoys, a new poll shows.

Research firm Karmasin found that 67 per cent of Austrians have less trust now in the joint administration of Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the conservative People’s Party (ÖVP) than they had one year ago.

The agency, which spoke to around 500 Austrians for the magazine profil, said 62 per cent of interviewed people were not putting as much trust in banks now as they did in the beginning of last year. The trust in the juridical system of Austria declined by 55 per cent as well, while 61 per cent said they were more dissatisfied with the service and performance of national broadcaster ORF.

Only 11 per cent said the Federal Economy Chamber (WKO) suffered in reputation year on year, whereas 35 per cent told Karmasin they had a worse opinion of insurance agencies than one year ago.

The past few months in the media were dominated by political bickering as the SPÖ-ÖVP coalition’s 2011 budget was criticised as uninspired and unfair by the opposition. The Greens and the Freedom Party (FPÖ) claimed the poorest will be hit hardest by the upcoming tax increases, while Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) boss Josef Bucher claimed the government "did almost everything wrong" in deciding on measures for next year.

One of the most controversial reforms is the decision to stop paying out family subsidies when children turn 24 instead of 26. Students groups claimed this change increases the pressure on young people trying to make ends meet.

Other disputed measures in the coalition’s bid to lower the soaring state debt are higher mineral oil taxation rates and a new "carbon dioxide tax" on flight tickets.

Political analysts do not expect the coalition to break up early despite the intensifying war of words between SPÖ representatives and ÖVP officials since polls show the right-wing FPÖ would benefit most from a split.

The next general elections are set to take place in 2013. A Karmasin poll showed recently that around one in four Austrians could imagine the FPÖ manages to become the strongest party in the foreseeable future. The party headed by Heinz-Christian Strache garnered 17.5 per cent to come third in the 2008 general ballot.

OGM research showed in December that 20 per cent of Austrians aged under 30 want Strache as chancellor. Only 16 per cent favour ÖVP boss Josef Pröll, while 15 per cent prefer SPÖ Chancellor Werner Faymann.

Obama Might Sink: New Rules for 2012 Election Straight from ARIZONA


Game-changer! Arizona to pass 2012 eligibility law
Obama will have to produce birth certificate to run again

Posted: January 25, 2011
7:42 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

It could be a game-changer.

A plan in Arizona to require presidential candidates to prove their eligibility to occupy the Oval Office is approaching critical mass, even though it has just been introduced.

The proposal from state Rep. Judy Burges, who carried a similar plan that fell short last year only because of political maneuvering, was introduced yesterday with 16 members of the state Senate as co-sponsors.

It needs only 16 votes in the Senate to pass.

In the House, there are 25 co-sponsors, with the need for only 31 votes for passage, and Burges told WND that there were several chamber members who confirmed they support the plan and will vote for it, but simply didn't wish to be listed as co-sponsors.

Order your copy of Jerome Corsi's upcoming blockbuster, "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President," autographed from the WND Superstore and be among the first get this historic book when it is released this spring.

The proposal, which also is being taken up in a number of other states, is highly specific and directly addresses the questions that have been raised by Barack Obama's occupancy of the White House. It says:

Read more: Game-changer! Arizona to pass 2012 eligibility law

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Points Based immigration a no go !

The Conservative and Labour Parties’ policy of “points based migration” is a total failure and “is an ineffective instrument for the task,” independent think tank Migrationwatch has announced.

According to a new report issued by that organisation, the overall number of visas issued has continued to rise since the introduction of the points based migration system (PBS), in spite of the recession.

“This has been driven by student numbers which have been increasing in recent years and have shown a faster rate of increase under PBS,” Migrationwatch said.

“Entry for work was in decline before the introduction of the PBS and has declined further since, mostly likely because of the economic downturn.

“Initial evidence suggests, therefore, that the PBS has not been effective in controlling immigration,” the report said.

The Migrationwatch report went on to analyse a number of data sets which clearly showed that the introduction of the PBS had had almost no effect in halting the Third World invasion of Britain.

Student numbers grew rapidly by 100,000 in the first year while, despite the worst recession in a generation, work permits have only fallen by 27,000 or 30 percent.

“An applicant for a PBS visa is awarded points for certain criteria such as salary and education. If the required number of points is reached then the visa is granted,” the Migrationwatch report said.

“This is intended to make the process clear and transparent and to ensure consistency. However a survey of UKBA border staff showed that 71 percent felt it had made the border less secure.

“This may be because the evidence to obtain points can be forged (e.g. education certificate) and there are hardly any interviews which can be essential for judging the authenticity of the applicant.

“For example, students need 40 points. 30 points are obtained if the college offers a place (by issuing them a Certificate of Acceptance of Studies) and 10 points are awarded for having enough maintenance funds.

“The college has a financial interest in offering the place and there is no interview to check that the applicant has a genuine interest in the subject matter of the course, has the required English language skills and intends to return when it ends,” it said.

One graph showed the number of highly skilled visas issued since 2006, the start of the Highly Skilled Migrants Programme, or HSMP (a precursor to PBS Tier 1).

“[The] numbers in this category have increased each year since its introduction. This growth has continued under the replacement of HSMP with PBS Tier 1,” said Migrationwatch.

“According to Home Office Research, 29 percent of a sample [group] were found in unskilled work and a further 46 percent were either unemployed or provided insufficient details.”

This means that of one test sample group of supposedly “highly-skilled immigrants,” some 75 percent were not working in the professional capacity through which they gained entry to Britain.

“There are also a significant number of people extending their leave to remain by switching to a PBS Tier 1 visa through the Post-Study Route which allows a graduate in any subject from more than 600 UK institutions the right to stay in the UK for two years and look for work, whatever the class of their degree,” the Migrationwatch report continued.

In 2009 34,000 graduates switched onto the Post-Study work visa.

“In 2009, the first year after the introduction of PBS Tier 4 visas there was a massive jump in student numbers to 468,000 (main entry).

The PBS system was introduced by the Labour Party and enthusiastically endorsed by the Conservative Party, which wrote it into its election manifesto by way of promising to “bring net migration down.”

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New DNA study shows benefits to homogenous societies- MSNBC HEALTH

This is a new scientific study which indicates that in order for people to be happy they need friends of similar DNA or genetic ancestry, and people seek spouses and friends of similar genetic makeup. This justifies the maintanence of a relatively homogenous population, which undermines pro mass immigration arguments like the so called " Rot weiss Rot Card".

"Friends feel like family? You may be genetically tied
New finding may help explain the 'chemistry' friends feel, study suggests"

By Joan Raymond contributor contributor
updated 1/17/2011 3:00:07 PM ET 2011-01-17T20:00:07
Share Print Font: + - You might have more in common with your BFF than a shared passion for football, politics, or kitty cats. Just like members of the same family, you and your "bestie" could be sharing some very compatible genes, according to a new study published Monday in PNAS, the journal of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers found that choosing folks to hang around with — and not choosing others — can be linked to specific genes. That genetic link provides the beginnings of a scientific explanation for the elusive quality of “chemistry” among friends, explains lead author James Fowler, a professor of medical genetics and political science at the University of California, San Diego.

“The whole idea of friendships is very weird,” says Fowler, whose research focuses on social networks, health and the biological basis of behavior. That’s because humans are one of the only species that forms long-term unions simply because we like each other, not just because we need to reproduce.

Health highlights Sip green tea before your walk to burn more fat
Daily motivation to get your diet and fitness back on track in 2011. What's holding you back?
Allergic to orgasms? Sad story has happy ending Online diet pills often contain dangerous ingredients Hospitals try to curb emergency room crowding Dude wears unwashed skinny jeans for 15 months To analyze an association between genes and human relationships, the researchers, with support from the National Institute on Aging, gathered data from two large studies: the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, and a replication study in an independent sample collected from the Framingham Heart Study. Both of these long-term studies asked participants about their friendship ties and social networks.

Like birds of a feather that actually do flock together, individuals who carry a particular genetic marker for a gene called DRD2, a dopamine receptor that is associated with alcoholism, among other traits, tend to make friends with other DRD2-positive people, according to the study results. Conversely, those who lacked the gene tended to form friendships with people who were also DRD2-negative.

Opposites also attract
But the scientists also found that when it comes to our genes, opposites may indeed attract. According to the research, folks who carried a version of a gene called CYP2A6, associated with an “open” personality, made friends with folks who didn’t carry it.

This idea of heterophily, or the love of the different, existing simultaneously with homophily, the love of the same, “should not be true at the same time,” says Fowler, who believes ongoing research will show that different biomechanisms, such as the sense of smell, might also come into play as we form friendships.

The researchers believe that friendships, when viewed from the genetic level, could provide a better understanding of the way that our genes may shape our social environment, and the way that social environment influences our behaviors.

Continued research may even show that a kind of feedback process happens, in which a person’s genes lead to choosing friends with particular genotypes. That, in turn, may actually influence the expression of a person’s own genes, giving rise to the idea that humans are “metagenomic,” says co-author Dr. Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medicine and sociology at Harvard Medical School.

“Humans live our lives in social networks in a sea of genes,” says Christakis. “And the fact that we’re showing that it’s not just our own genes, but (also) the genes of other people (having) relevance in our lives, has a lot of implications.”

© 2011 Reprints

Professor Rushton also gives comments

A Pro-White US President ?

It seems Americans have woke up from their third world Obama experiment and the next president will not be another Amnesty boy Bush, but possibly a genuine pro White president, against mass immigration, which could set an example for the west and countries in turmoil considering mass immigration and psychopath women like Fekter.

January 23, 2011

Romney Wins New Hampshire Republican Straw Poll
Fire it up 6
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While no one has declared their presidential campaign yet, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney emerged as the winner Saturday of a New Hampshire Republican straw poll that aimed to gauge what kind of support early contenders have among the party faithful.

Romney received 35 percent support from the state party-sanctioned straw poll that was organized by ABC News and WMUR-TV.

Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, who like Romney previously ran for president, came in second place with 11 percent. Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who visits the state this week, had 8 percent, with 2008 vice presidential nominee former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin at 7 percent.

Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina each earned 5 percent.

In 2008, Romney came in second in New Hampshire's GOP primary behind eventual nominee John McCain. Romney has been leading the early polls of possible GOP contenders in 2012.

But some very prominent potential candidates didn't score so well with the New Hampshire Republicans. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich earned 3 percent of the vote as did Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and former Arkansas Gov. and 2008 candidate Mike Huckabee."

Mitt Romney has signed the executive order as governor of MA ordering the police to apprehend illegal immigrants -- long before Arizona. If a bill was placed on his desk by a GOP house bringing down massively the immigration quota, he would likely sign. He is also on record opposing amnesty.

Ron Paul is simply Brilliant and the ideal choice. He opposes the 14th ammendmant anchor baby loophole, he voted to reduce mass immigration in the past. His son Rand was critical of the civil rights act. He also called for state secession.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


An excellent piece from BusinessWeek written by an Indian, incidentally, seems pertinent by detailing the lower standards of foreign vocational training and degrees. Can you imagine how bad relying on mass immigration to fill large labor shortages or replace Austrian workers entirely would be ?

"My research team at Duke looked in depth at the engineering education of China and India. We documented that these countries now graduate four to seven times as many engineers as does the U.S.The quality of these engineers, however, is so poor that most are not fit to work as engineers; their system of rote learning handicaps those who do get jobs, so it takes two to three years for them to achieve the same productivity as fresh American graduates.As a result, significant proportions of China's engineering graduates end up working on factory floors and Indian industry has to spend large sums of money retraining its employees."