Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Is Newt Gingrich A Genocidal Slave Driver ?

Gingrich has got to go. It's Time. That's it.!

Newt Gingrich immigration program is a disaster. It does nothing to help people but rather creates even more unemployment. It is basically a repeat of the failed 1986 amnesty but no path to citizenship and much worse. You need to do everything in your power to defeat Newt gingrich. He is deceptive and will destroy this country, even more than Obama with his jobs killing and unfair programs. You may even need Radical third party alternatives, but I hope not.

He does not mention once any time of mandatory employer verification system, but merely a guest worker program, so not only can a business hire legal sub standard labor, but also continue to hire illegal labor. He say greater penalty, but it is already illegal to hire an illegal from the '86 law, so what difference would a penalty make, and what would the point be if the employer had no easy verification system, or a mandatory one  ? The businesses would just ignore the guest worker program and continue to hire illegal anyway. Furthermore, why sponsor a guest worker program in the economy anyway ?

I also dont't see great value in English only as an official language proposal coming from Gingrich, most states have a law like that anyway. And with the massive numbers of guest workers and immigrants he wants to bring in, that would be detrimental to have english only, because the workers do speak spanish and will anyway. Newt would also never apply English only where it counts like the voting right act provision for bi lingual ballots etc.. Although English only on the federal level well done by someone like Dr Paul would be beneficial and avoid the snags.

His website calls for teaching immigrants history, but they are already taught "history". This can do nothing. Furthermore, I would imagine the history they are taught is Newt's version of PC non sense. I doubt they would pick up a book and See Eisenhower, FDR, or Huber's immigration policy which is not too "compassionate". Newt Certainly left that out in his falsified version of events. That policy is merely a clever disguise to mask the fact that illegal alien children cost the tax payer billions, and with his guest worker program, the states would be mandated to pick up the tab even more. Furthermore, once again he contradicts himself with such a policy when he says he is against the DOE and any mandate on the states against the 10th Ammendmant.

I also think the idea of allowing young illegals to join the military is absurd. In this economy people with misdemeanors or even a dismissed felony for harassment, ADD, a bad knee or something are being tunred away for service. Why now allow illegal aliens to join the military ? Is this a sign that perpetual warfare is sacrosanct and if you join some REMF unit in the military the illegal is magically equal to people like me and my family who fought in most of these country's majors wars past and present in the military ? I don't think so. Illegal immigrants children also have a higher ASVAB failure rate. Do you want the US military to be the French foreign legion ? Or is illegal aliens in the military some tool to terrorize american citizens so they can be used in the indefinite detention programs and FEMA camps in this country in case a sufficient number of Whites refuse to partake. ? There is also the fact the certain MOS require citizenship anyway,as illegals and non citizens can rarely get a security clearance. not to mention the fact that this idea DOES contradict his other promise not to put illegals at the front of the line for citizenship.

His amnesty program is also absurd. It might not even be legal to create a slave caste with no citizen or welfare rights. he also says that a person who has been in the usa 25 or more years should not be deported or an old lady. But why would an old not want Social security and assistance or prove they are not dependent on welfare, that by default screens out the elderly and sick and leaves the younger "rootless" types with amnesty. And the 24 year rule also means any illegal from 1990 to present gets to stay here. The 11 million prsently here is also a lie, there are far more. There is also the fact that even a small amnesty for some means millions. And an amnesty program would cost billions and anger many communities who are against this causing further division. Allowing a community to decide the law is also basically mob rule. Why not let the community decide what to do with all criminals then ? He also says all illegal aliens get amnesty until congress creates an amnesty program. That invalidates all law enforcement placing people in danger and negates the state anti-immigrant laws he claims to support. And eventually the illegals amnestied wether he likes or not via democrat executive order or the next dem administration as the apparatus is already in place easy.Mexicans can also just leave to their home right next door. What state do we have ?

His humanitarian concerns are bogus. He is basically creating a class of slaves like his southern ancestors probably did. His humanitarian concern is just the desires of the chamber of commerce and nothing more. And to say his party is the party of the family ignores all the suicides, divorces, widows etc.. caused by the wars which he has no problem with and ignore the old GOP policy under eisenhower ( funny he mentions ww2 in his plan) which systematically deported them and kept them at bay until the late 70's. He also didn't object to child labor amongst other things. His references to reagan are also absurd. He admits the 86 amnesty was a failure. There were also fare fewer illegals at the time and Reagan said it was a one time deal. Even the pope says illegals can be deported. Reagan also gave a pro-waffen SS speech with US ww2 vets at Bitburg Airbase in Germany in the 80's and went to Alabam and talked about states rights at a famous civil rights landmark. He also almost refues to honor MLK and continued funding to apartheid south Africa. Reagan also dealt with a democratic controlled congress in 86. What about that Reagan ? And if you want to talk American historical figures why not Go back To Jefferson or don't go there at all ? Furthermore, Humanitarian Aid with repatriation can be considered as a cheaper alternative to amnesty.

I am also disgusted that he presents a false dilemma by saying they all need to be deported or amnestied. One must do neither, but rather attrition through enforcement. Employer sanctions and E-verify, empower the states, cut funding for sanctuary cities, end birth right citizenship,  etc..They will leave automatically. Not to mention the fact that he is saying :we have to deport" as if anyone was trying, in light of his plan would it not be better to even do nothing than pay so much to set up deportation systems for a limited number of people, then have to supposedly deport the rest afterwards anyway ?

His legal immigration programs are also horrible. Not only did the bipartisan Jordan comission reccomend drastic cuts in the 90's under his watch, but that was in a GOOD economy. There is no shortage of engineers in this country, but beyond that he wants to give foreign grads green cards for the popular majors lie business which is an attack on my family and friends at an at an individual level. And while giving so many foreigners green cards after college, he does nothing about if not promote affirmative action, which burdens and undermines excllence in many top schools thus helping to create any "brain shortage". White students will be locked out of most higher ed and all americans will face a flooded job market after graduation. There is also no shortage of computer programmers or many of those industries he mentions. H1B is also a fraud and a source of illegal immigration. He also says nothing about the 1.5 million legal immigrants who come every year and often go on welfare. That was recommended to be reduced by the Jordan commision. And even John Mccain was talking substantial legal immigration cuts when he was promoting amnesty. Temporary legal status for illegal kids also means possible college enrollment which is the same as the dream act.

The border emphasis is also absurd. Fences are ineffective. The mains source of illegals are visa overstays, something he wants more of and wants to do nothing about. A secure border will do nothing as long as there is an employment and welfare magnet which he wants to leave in place. He also shiftes the guest worker burden on to the tax payer and expands government with these programs.The guest workers will have anchor babies here, their kkids must also be subsidizes in public schools by local communities according to federal law. That contradicts his balanced budget ammendmant and pledge for low taxes and even contradicts the Krebbs card plan he likes.

I also think he is a total hypocrite of poor personal qualities. He lives in a very wealthy predominantly White area of GA, but does not believe anyone else should obviously. He talks down on the confederates for slavery, but promotes it himself both in China and here with illegal labor. His knowledge of history obviously stinks. He says he is pro-family but had countless extramartial affairs. He changed his positon more times than Romney or anyone. He promotes affirmative action, but won't step down from his professor job as an older white male and allow a Black or latino preferential treatment to get that position. He sounds more like Ted Kennedy than anyone. He is probably be extorted right now with all the baggage he has. He also is a obese. Worst of all he uses guilt trips to coerce people into supporting his policies while lying about his true intentions.

He also supported Kosovo independence and even advocates NATO supression and bombing of Serbia, even keeping out Serbs from their traditional lands with border guards and barbed wire. However what about the right-wing groups that may wish to have a separate homeland in north America to escape actual real genocidal policies he imposes ? Zogby was reporting 23% want secession in north America peacefully. How does he feel about them ? He also wrote a book promoting the concept of corporate globalism in which nations don't exist but only business zones in addition to the horrible immigration policies.But supports israel with 8 million. If someone can get together enough people who want a peacful homeland in north America would could they be granted such ? Why it be wrong or not preferable ?

I also think the idea of a "Latino vote" is absurd. They are a very small part of the electorate. Many hispanics are very proud of their country of origin while living in America. There are also stark differences between Latin ethnic groups like Cubans and Argentinians who are mostly White Mexicans and El Salvadorians etc.. I know from personal experience with my Argentinian and Cuban friends and Mexicans and Salvadorians I know not to get them confused. And many states have voter ID now.And if they so important, why not just enforce the damn immigration laws instead of amnesty and pass ore voter id laws. etc.. It is also counter productive to pander to them and promote their ethnic identities. It only forces them to be more anti-america. I also think democracy is failing as most polls show the public against immigration, but nothing is done but betrayal and inaction. There seems to be no difference between the two parties. It has a elitist polyarchy at best, and dictatorship at worst sadly.Furthermore, how would a pro-immigration president carry Ohio, PA, or AZ which are Reagan dem country ?

Even the democrats are praising Gingrich and they will praise him even more with Ads in key states in 2012. I sure as hell won't vote for him and many others won't while he advocates genocide. He is far behind Obama in polls. He has immigration endorsements from Gutierrez D-il La Raza, DNC, and even copies Obama administrative amnesty policies. etc.. I think it would even be better for Newt not do anything about immigration besides let the states do their job, if God Forbid he gets to office. That would be the End of this nation. I wonder how those chamber of commerce types that think it is ok to go against the majority and actually write America's immigration laws would feel if their voting cattle walked away and actually had a credible third party or seceeded ?


A terrorist law from newt because that is what he is:

PS. if you think their is a labor shortage ?What happened to chain gangs picking fruits and convict labor ? Or even meanignful welfare reform that forces people to do any job ?

The US Citizens he does not care about:

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