Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why I now support Legalized Marijuana in the USA like Dr. Ron Paul

Why I changed my mind and support Marijuana Legalization like Ron Paul 

Marijuana or "Ganja" as they call it. is a hot topic, often discussed, but unfortunately not discussed enough or in the right context. Marijuana is a drug that is consumed. It produces effects similar to intoxication. I personally have not used like many advocates for decriminalization and i'm "straight edge". Although I am very right-wing, I support the legalization after the study Ron Paul ideology. Some support legalization, while others do not and although a ban presently exists, there are strong reasons for dismantling these laws rather than allow this prohibition to continue. I support the decriminalization for practical, ethical and scientific reasons etc..

First of all the argument that marijuana is inherently and purely unhealthy is false. Marijuana is actually is just like cigarettes, inhaled from smoke. But without the nicotine and added ingredients and addiction. It is also completely organic and natural. It has proven medical benefits for patients. It is even rated less harmful than alcohol or tobacco by many world renowned researchers. The effects are also temporary like intoxication. And studies about addiction or long term damage are inconclusive at worst. The gateway drug idea is also redciulous, which is like saying alcohol is a gateway drug. I know a girl from school that smokes it and she WOULD NEVER stick a heroine need into her body or snort coke. Marijuana can also be eaten in brownies as a snack with less effect or harm than tobacco or alcohol.

And when we consider the topic of cigarettes, why do we not consider the special interest groups that suppress the legalization of the drug ? The tobacco companies spend millions supporting candidates who support them and not legalization. John Behoner in particular, a tough opponent of legalization was passing out tobacco checks on the house floor. The DARE campaign as you may know is against "drugs", including marijuana, but they refuse to point to the dangers of tobacco as it is funded by big tobacco. The Tobacco and other corporate collusion against Marijuana is one of the sadest examples of crony capitalism on earth.

In addition the the Big Tobacco imposed restrictions of no value, the "moral" arguments do not hold weight. In christianity there are numerous examples of ancient Jews and christians using the drug. I also question the christian idea that marijuana is bad, while alcohol is ok. Some muslims also interpret the Koran to allow Hashish and not Alcohol. Many Ancient people's of the biblical and ancient era also used such as the indo-europeans scythians. cannabis plants have been found in Egypt with mummies etc.. Shakespere and many Western figures have also used Cannabis. In the USA and West Cannabis only became illegal in the 1900's when the Temprance movement emerged and Big Tobacco was growing much bigger.

The federal Ban on marijuana is something small government conservatives need to oppose, especially the Tea Party. The "war on drugs" has cost the government millions and contributed the deficit tremendously. It has violated constitutional rights. The beauracracy to fight the drug has expanded the federal government and created agencies such as the DEA. The goals and purpose of the war on drugs are questionable. Why would it be necessary to exterminate an entire species of plant or raid the home of someone with a single plant of pot in their home ? And even if one supports big government is a pot plant our priority over fighting the Al Quaida you claim to be so concerned about ? Mant Law enforcement personnel also want to see the drug legalized. Lives are also destroyed everyday and our prisons overflow because people use it.

The anti-matijuana laws have also had no effect and even negative effects. Growing up and in college marijuana was just as common as cigarettes if not more. It is also not impossible if not terribly easy to get marijuana. All one needs to do is get seeds and some dirt and water, wallah. Drug cartels and the underground economy has also emerged from the strict marijuana laws, which threatens many people. Many marxist paramilitary governments and armies like FARC and the FNC are funded by drug sales to the USA. The Taliban was also getting rich selling it to us etc..Prohibition was a disaster and so is criminalization of marijuana. Once the underground economy dissapears, the drug money would not flow to mexico and cartels but stay in our economy. Making marijuana illegal also means that the law cannot focus on severely harmful drugs like Heroine.

The effects and benefits of legalization would be enormous. Besides increasing freedom, ending drug crimes etc.. it would help people medically, economically, socially. People can solve their medical and social problems with it. It would also aid in job creation. Many people can become entrepreneurs, grow small businesses and be employed in related industries like hemp factories and farms. Garden shops and potteries would also flourish. Doctors could give low income people needing care marijuana instead of anti-depressants and tranquilizers. It would also increase tourism tremendously. The US also needs to compete with countries that have already started legalization like the Netherlands, Canada, etc.. The GOP could also have a social just / diversity / LGBT positive issue in supporting legalization, something they seem to want to be these days. OWS also supports legalization.

The legalization process can be done in a slow and good way. The anti-marijuana laws on the FEDERAL level need to get tossed. The states that want to get regulate can either by banning, or state licensing, which ensures people can get legal drugs and safe drugs. Communities that wish to ban would have more authority to do so, while those favoring less restriction can have none. There is also the hypocrisy of the fact that a state MUST enforce FEDERAL drug laws, but a state like AZ or AL can't even enforce the federal immigration law. And even Lincoln Chaffee types would jump in against AZ and AL. etc..We should wonder why if Sodomy is a constitutional right to privacy , why not a puff which does NOT give you AIDs HIV chances and such ?? LOGIC ??

The process of legalization has already begun. Many states have ballot initiatives to allow the citizens to decide their own drug laws that pass. Medical Marijuana is now becoming more popular. Obama has even flirted with the idea of legalization. Ron PAul has also brought in legislation with congressman barney Frank which shows repeal of the anti-marijuana laws would be both bi-partisan and diverse. Polls also show widespread support for legalization, even in nations such as Canada. It is a winning issue for all. You also need to overcome the idea that marijuana is "taboo" from years of indoctrination by Big Tobacco, media And party orthodoxy.

In conclusion, hemp is not so bad. I don't use it but believe it should be legalized. It is for our constitutional rights. It is for limited government. It is for less crime. Decriminalization is politically advantageous and popular. The decriminalization is bi-partisan. It would also create jobs and help everyone.

How it works in smoke form from NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.

Congressman Paul (R-TX) and Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA)  support legalization:

Economist and world famous Investor Peter Schiff wants legalization:

Most People Support Legalization in polls:

Other sponsors of Marijuana freedom: Governor and GOP presidential candidate Gary Johnson of New Mexico, Navy Seal, celebrity and Governor Jesse Ventura of Minesotta, Dr and Senator Rand Paul, DR Ron Paul, congressman Frank of MA and DNC, California doctors association, US. Surgeon General Elders, 

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